Ram defrag windows 10
Ram defrag windows 10

ram defrag windows 10

Like cleaning an office, cleaning a computer really boils down to two options:

ram defrag windows 10

One project could have files scattered all over the filing cabinet – unless we take the time to pull out all of the files, put each project into one drawer so all of the files are together, and then go on. And if we still need more space, we’ll have another note in that drawer saying “Look into Drawer 2 for the rest of the files”. So we might put part of the files in one drawer, with a note to “See Drawer #3 for the rest of the files”. But suppose that a project takes up multiple files, and we don’t have space in one drawer for all of them. We open the file cabinet, find where we want to put our files, and put it away. Think of the computer as a big filing cabinet. Disk FragmentationĪnother issue of computer slowdown is disk fragmentation. And when that program is removed, the uninstall process might or might not remove its data – leaving bits and pieces of itself behind. Every time a program is installed, the registry grows. Windows operating systems use a database called the “Registry” that stores information on how programs on Windows work – where they’re installed, file settings, and a plethora of other settings. And just like clutter in the Real World, clutter is an issue in the world of computers. Reduce unneeded things, reduce the distractions, shrink things down to just what we need in life, and only keep things that give us joy. One of the goals of the Konmari movement is to reduce clutter in our life.

Ram defrag windows 10